
Showing posts from March, 2021


Hi, Well this is all new to me! I thought I'd give you an oversight of me. I'm not a writer (as you can tell)! Therefore expect spelling mistakes and random words that probably make no sense to you, although they do in my head. I have so many thoughts and love to write things down so what better way than to share those thoughts with those who actively want to hear. I'm terrible at taking my own advice but I do seem to be that person that friends and family come to for said advice. So ask away, I'm by no means qualified but I like to think that I break down issues and then logically construct a solution - which then comes out as advice.  I also have no filter so Vlogging was out of the question.. I have no idea when to stop talking and before I know it .. I've said too much. I'm a mother, as you may have guessed. I have a 7 and 2 year old. One is my kind, caring, reliable one. The other is feral. I leave it to my future posts for you to decide which ones which! I

So I rush..

Mum guilt is the worst. I feel guilty that I work full time and don't have enough time for my kids. So I rush. I then feel guilty when I'm at work because I've got kids and I'm restricted for time etc. So I rush. I then feel guilty that because I work, I spend my evenings cleaning. So I rush. I feel guilty about popping to the shop, leaving my kids at home with dad/stepdad. So I rush. I feel guilty about not having enough time to catch up with friends and family. So I rush. Does anyone else feel as though they're rushing through life and not really taking the time to enjoy it? I make a conscious effort to enjoy days out (pre-covid) but the whole build up for days out and holidays and general fun... is a rush. I think that a key question that should be asked when planning for a baby is; Are you prepared to rush?